Freetown Christiania.

Freetown Christiania.

In 1971, hippies broke a hole in the wooden fence surrounding the old and abandoned military area Bådmandsstrædes Kaserne in the center of Copenhagen. That caused vast groups of hippies, homeless, and idealists to flock to the area and settle in the former military buildings. Later on, people started to build their own colorful and imaginative houses. Their goal was to make an alternative society, where all individuals could “follow their dreams, as long as it respects the values of the community” Since then, Christiania has developed into a village housing about 650 adults and 150 kids. It is now a vibrant community with lots of restaurants, music venues, workshops, shopping, five kindergartens, its own flag, its own currency, institutions to maintain the area, Pusher Street (an open hash market without hard drugs) and has become a cultural dynamo in Copenhagen. It is one of the most beloved hangout areas in Copenhagen, and one of the most important tourist attractions in Denmark. Christiania has been built up and run without financial help from the outside.

In the beginning, the politicians accepted it as a “social experiment;” however, over the years, there have been many disputes with the police and politicians (especially those in the right wing). In 2001, the political right wing got the majority in the Parliament for the first time since 1924. This set off a fierce debate and battle because the politicians wanted to “normalize” (read: destroy) Christiania. After over 7 years of negotiating and fighting for the survival of Christiania, the politicians gave up and accepted a new system in which Christiania would rent the land and buy the buildings.

Christiania drum majorettes

Christiania drum majorettes

Only for women and gays.

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Christianias Birthday.

Christianias Birthday.

Free birthday cake in Månefiskeren Cafe. One of many free birthday events.

Sølyst kindergarden.

Sølyst kindergarden.

Summerparty for parents and people in general.

Defend Christiania demonstration.

Defend Christiania demonstration.

One of many.

Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary's wedding dinner

Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary's wedding dinner

Free wedding dinner in Grey Hall for Homeless and other good people.

Fastelavn Party.

Fastelavn Party.

Grey Hall.

Christiania's Birthday.

Christiania's Birthday.

Open air concert.

Christiania funeral.

Christiania funeral.

Christianite funerals often fill up the local Vor Frelser Church, which is one of the biggest churches in Copenhagen.

Christiania Funeral.

Christiania Funeral.

It is a tradition that the hearse slowly passes the main entrance to Christiania, where people clap their hands and cheer for the deceased.

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Pusher Street brought down.

Pusher Street brought down.

After Prime Minister Anders Fogh’s fierce threats that Christiania would be shut down if Christiania didn’t shut down Pusher Street, the Christianites themselves dismantled the stalls of Pusherstreet in 2004. The same evening, the Prime Minister announced that that was not enough. Now Christiania should be “normalized.” The following day, Pusher Street opened again.



Politi / Idioti

Police / Idiocy

Juleløses Jul / Christmas for the Christmasless

Juleløses Jul / Christmas for the Christmasless

Five minutes before the doors open.

Every Christmas, Christiania throws a free Christmas party for people who have nowhere else to go.Volunteers decorate and prepare Grey Hall, cook for about 1800 people, and throw a beautiful party with entertainment, and gifts for kids.Christiania and companies donate money, and even the Queen chips in every year.



Christiania has always been a center for graffiti artists since they are allowed to paint in certain places.

Easter worship outside the bar Woodstock.

Easter worship outside the bar Woodstock.

Traditional Sankt Hans Fire.

Traditional Sankt Hans Fire.

Sankt Hans is a holiday which is celebrated by burning a “witch.” In Christiania, the witch changes from year to year. Here, the former Prime Minister Anders Fogh and leader of the far-right party Dansk Folkeparti, Pia Kærsgård, stand in for the witch.

Police action in Pusher Street.

Police action in Pusher Street.

Shame on you.